
How to Deal with Tantrums

Dad fed up with bad behaviour of sons. Portrait of displeased depressed father sitting at table screaming from depression while children shouting and fooling around, being noisy while mom absent. Emotions and family concept

How to Deal with Tantrums

Dealing with tantrums can be challenging for parents, but understanding why they happen and how to respond effectively can make a significant difference. Tantrums are a normal part of child development, often occurring when children are frustrated or unable to express their needs and emotions. Here are some strategies to help manage and reduce tantrums.

1. Understand the Triggers

Common Triggers

  • Hunger: Ensure your child has regular meals and snacks to prevent hunger-related tantrums.
  • Fatigue: Make sure your child gets enough sleep and has a consistent bedtime routine.
  • Frustration: Recognize situations that might be frustrating for your child, such as difficult tasks or transitions.
  • Overstimulation: Avoid overwhelming environments that might overstimulate your child.

Identifying Triggers

  • Observe Patterns: Pay attention to when and where tantrums typically occur to identify patterns and potential triggers.
  • Keep a Log: Maintain a tantrum log to record details about each incident, which can help you identify common triggers and plan accordingly.

2. Stay Calm and Composed

Maintain Your Cool

  • Deep Breaths: Take deep breaths to stay calm and collected during a tantrum.
  • Count to Ten: Count to ten before responding to give yourself a moment to compose yourself.

Model Calm Behavior

  • Stay Calm: Your calm demeanor can help soothe your child and model appropriate behavior.
  • Soft Voice: Use a soft, gentle voice when speaking to your child during a tantrum.

3. Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise Good Behavior

  • Acknowledge Positives: Praise and reward your child for positive behaviors and following directions.
  • Reinforce Calmness: Acknowledge when your child calms down after a tantrum and express appreciation for their efforts.

Offer Choices

  • Empowerment: Give your child choices to provide a sense of control and reduce frustration.
  • Simple Options: Offer simple, clear choices, such as “Do you want the red cup or the blue cup?”

4. Set Clear Boundaries and Consistency

Consistent Rules

  • Consistent Expectations: Maintain consistent rules and expectations to provide a sense of security and predictability.
  • Clear Limits: Clearly communicate limits and what behaviors are unacceptable.

Follow Through

  • Consistent Consequences: Follow through with consequences when rules are broken to reinforce boundaries.
  • Fair Consequences: Ensure consequences are fair, reasonable, and related to the behavior.

5. Distract and Redirect

Distraction Techniques

  • Change Focus: Distract your child with a toy, book, or activity to shift their attention away from the trigger.
  • New Environment: Move to a different location to change the environment and reduce overstimulation.


  • Alternative Activities: Redirect your child’s energy to a different, more acceptable activity.
  • Engage in Play: Use play to redirect attention and engage your child positively.

6. Teach Emotional Regulation

Label Emotions

  • Identify Feelings: Help your child identify and label their emotions, such as “I see you’re feeling angry.”
  • Validate Emotions: Validate their feelings and let them know it’s okay to feel upset.

Coping Strategies

  • Calming Techniques: Teach calming techniques such as deep breathing, counting to ten, or using a calm-down corner.
  • Problem-Solving: Encourage your child to express their needs and work together to find solutions.

7. Implement Time-Outs Effectively

Time-Out Guidelines

  • Safe Space: Designate a safe, quiet space for time-outs where your child can calm down.
  • Short Duration: Keep time-outs short and appropriate for your child’s age (one minute per year of age is a common guideline).

Calm and Firm

  • Calm Explanation: Calmly explain why the time-out is happening and what behavior needs to change.
  • Return to Positive: After the time-out, return to positive interactions and reinforce appropriate behavior.

8. Encourage Communication

Active Listening

  • Listen Actively: Listen to your child’s concerns and feelings without interrupting.
  • Empathy: Show empathy and understanding for their emotions.

Encourage Expression

  • Express Feelings: Encourage your child to express their feelings verbally rather than through tantrums.
  • Role-Playing: Use role-playing to practice expressing emotions and handling challenging situations.

9. Plan Ahead

Anticipate Needs

  • Plan for Transitions: Prepare your child for transitions and new situations by explaining what to expect.
  • Routine and Structure: Maintain a consistent daily routine to provide a sense of security.

Prepare for Outings

  • Bring Essentials: Bring snacks, toys, and comfort items to help manage your child’s needs during outings.
  • Set Expectations: Set clear expectations for behavior before leaving the house.

10. Take Care of Yourself


  • Time for Yourself: Make time for self-care to recharge and reduce your own stress levels.
  • Support Network: Seek support from family, friends, or parenting groups to share experiences and advice.

Professional Help

  • Seek Guidance: If tantrums are severe or persistent, consider seeking guidance from a pediatrician or child psychologist.
  • Parenting Classes: Consider attending parenting classes or workshops to learn new strategies and techniques.


Dealing with tantrums requires patience, consistency, and understanding. By identifying triggers, staying calm, using positive reinforcement, and teaching emotional regulation, you can help your child manage their emotions more effectively. Remember that tantrums are a normal part of child development, and with the right strategies, you can navigate this challenging phase successfully.

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