
How to Encourage Kids to Help Around the House

How to Encourage Kids to Help Around the House

Getting kids to help around the house can be a challenge, but it’s a valuable way to teach responsibility, independence, and teamwork. Here are some effective strategies to encourage children to contribute to household chores and tasks.

1. Start Early

Age-Appropriate Tasks

  • Toddlers (2-3 years): Simple tasks like picking up toys, dusting with a cloth, and putting clothes in the hamper.
  • Preschoolers (4-5 years): Setting the table, feeding pets, and watering plants.
  • School-Age (6-9 years): Making their bed, folding laundry, sweeping floors, and helping with meal prep.
  • Tweens (10-12 years): Vacuuming, doing dishes, taking out the trash, and helping with cooking.
  • Teens (13+ years): Mowing the lawn, doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms, and more complex meal preparation.

2. Make It Fun

Gamify Chores

  • Chore Charts: Create a chore chart with stickers or checkmarks to track completed tasks.
  • Reward Systems: Implement a reward system with points that can be redeemed for treats, extra screen time, or special activities.

Music and Dance

  • Play Music: Play upbeat music while doing chores to make the atmosphere lively and fun.
  • Dance Party: Turn cleaning into a dance party where everyone dances while they work.


  • Time Challenges: Set a timer and challenge your kids to complete a task before it goes off.
  • Friendly Competitions: Organize friendly competitions to see who can complete their chores the fastest or most thoroughly.

3. Lead by Example

Model Behavior

  • Show Enthusiasm: Demonstrate a positive attitude toward chores and involve yourself in household tasks.
  • Work Together: Work alongside your children to show them how tasks are done and to make it a shared activity.

Consistent Routines

  • Regular Chore Time: Establish a regular time each day or week for completing chores.
  • Consistency: Be consistent with expectations and routines to create a habit.

4. Teach and Guide

Instruction and Guidance

  • Demonstrate Tasks: Show your children how to complete tasks step by step.
  • Supervise Initially: Supervise their efforts initially and gradually give them more independence as they become more proficient.

Break Tasks into Steps

  • Simple Instructions: Break down complex tasks into simple, manageable steps.
  • Visual Aids: Use visual aids like charts or diagrams to illustrate the steps involved.

5. Provide Positive Reinforcement

Praise and Encouragement

  • Acknowledge Effort: Praise your children for their efforts and accomplishments, even if the task isn’t done perfectly.
  • Encouragement: Encourage them to keep trying and improving their skills.

Rewards and Incentives

  • Immediate Rewards: Offer small, immediate rewards like a favorite snack or a sticker for completing a task.
  • Long-Term Goals: Set long-term goals with larger rewards, such as a family outing or a new toy.

6. Make Chores Meaningful

Explain the Importance

  • Value of Chores: Explain why chores are important and how they contribute to the household.
  • Personal Responsibility: Emphasize the importance of personal responsibility and teamwork.

Link to Real-Life Skills

  • Life Skills: Explain how these chores teach valuable life skills they will need as they grow older.
  • Future Benefits: Discuss how learning these tasks now will help them in the future.

7. Give Choices and Control

Allow Choices

  • Choice of Tasks: Let your children choose which chores they’d like to do from a list of necessary tasks.
  • Order of Completion: Allow them to decide the order in which they complete their chores.

Control and Independence

  • Autonomy: Give your children some autonomy in how they complete their tasks.
  • Ownership: Encourage them to take ownership of their chores and the space they are responsible for.

8. Create a Supportive Environment

Family Involvement

  • Family Meetings: Discuss chores and responsibilities during family meetings.
  • Collaborative Effort: Emphasize that everyone in the family contributes to maintaining the household.

Tools and Supplies

  • Proper Tools: Provide the right tools and supplies for completing tasks effectively.
  • Accessible Storage: Ensure cleaning supplies and tools are easily accessible to your children.

9. Address Resistance Calmly

Understand Reasons

  • Listen: Listen to your children’s reasons for not wanting to do chores.
  • Problem-Solve: Work together to find solutions to their concerns or objections.

Stay Calm and Patient

  • Calm Approach: Address resistance calmly without anger or frustration.
  • Patience: Be patient as they learn and adjust to new responsibilities.

10. Celebrate Successes

Acknowledge Achievements

  • Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate milestones and major achievements in completing chores.
  • Family Celebrations: Plan family celebrations or special outings as a reward for consistent effort and good teamwork.

Reflect and Adjust

  • Regular Check-Ins: Regularly check in with your children about how they feel about their chores.
  • Adjust as Needed: Be willing to adjust tasks and responsibilities as needed to keep them motivated and engaged.


Encouraging kids to help around the house can be a rewarding experience that teaches them valuable skills and fosters a sense of responsibility. By making chores fun, providing positive reinforcement, and involving them in the process, you can create a positive and supportive environment that encourages active participation. Remember to be patient, lead by example, and celebrate their successes to keep them motivated and engaged.

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