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How to Create a Family Vision Board

How to Create a Family Vision Board

Creating a family vision board is a fun and inspiring way to set goals, visualize dreams, and bond as a family. A vision board helps family members align their aspirations, focus on shared goals, and motivate each other. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a meaningful and effective family vision board.

1. Gather Materials

Basic Supplies

  • Poster Board or Corkboard: Choose a sturdy base for your vision board.
  • Magazines and Newspapers: Collect magazines and newspapers for cutting out pictures and words.
  • Scissors and Glue: Have scissors and glue sticks or tape ready for assembling your board.
  • Markers and Pens: Use markers and pens for writing and decorating.
  • Printouts: Print out any specific images or quotes from the internet.

Optional Supplies

  • Stickers and Washi Tape: Add fun and decorative elements to your vision board.
  • Photos: Include personal photos of family members, places, or events.
  • Colored Paper: Use colored paper for background layers or additional decoration.

2. Set the Scene

Choose a Comfortable Space

  • Work Area: Set up a comfortable and spacious area where everyone can gather and work on the vision board together.
  • Supplies: Arrange all supplies within easy reach.

Create a Positive Atmosphere

  • Music: Play some background music to create a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere.
  • Snacks: Provide healthy snacks and drinks to keep everyone energized and focused.

3. Discuss Goals and Dreams

Family Meeting

  • Gather Everyone: Hold a family meeting to discuss the purpose of the vision board and what each member hopes to achieve.
  • Open Dialogue: Encourage everyone to share their individual goals and dreams, as well as collective family aspirations.

Categorize Goals

  • Short-Term Goals: Identify goals that can be achieved in the near future.
  • Long-Term Goals: Discuss long-term aspirations that may take more time to accomplish.
  • Categories: Consider categorizing goals into areas such as health, education, travel, family activities, and personal development.

4. Find and Select Images and Words

Visual Representation

  • Magazines and Printouts: Look through magazines, newspapers, and online sources for images and words that represent your goals and dreams.
  • Personal Photos: Include personal photos that hold special meaning or represent family milestones.

Positive and Inspirational

  • Inspiring Quotes: Find quotes that resonate with your family’s values and aspirations.
  • Positive Imagery: Choose images that evoke positive emotions and motivation.

5. Assemble the Vision Board

Layout Planning

  • Plan the Layout: Before gluing anything down, arrange the images and words on the board to see how they fit together.
  • Balance: Aim for a balanced layout that distributes images and words evenly across the board.

Glue and Secure

  • Attach Items: Once you’re happy with the layout, start gluing or taping the images and words to the board.
  • Layering: Layer images and words for a more dynamic and visually appealing look.

Personal Touches

  • Decorate: Add stickers, washi tape, and other decorative elements to personalize the board.
  • Write Goals: Use markers or pens to write specific goals, affirmations, or family values directly on the board.

6. Display the Vision Board

Choose a Visible Location

  • High Traffic Area: Display the vision board in a prominent location where everyone can see it daily, such as the living room or kitchen.
  • Accessibility: Make sure it’s accessible so family members can add to it or update it as needed.

Regular Review

  • Family Check-Ins: Schedule regular family check-ins to review progress towards goals and discuss any updates or changes.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate milestones and achievements as they happen, and add new goals to the board.

7. Make it an Ongoing Activity

Update Regularly

  • Refresh Goals: Periodically update the vision board to reflect new goals, dreams, and family achievements.
  • Add New Images: Continuously add new images, quotes, and personal photos to keep the board current and inspiring.

Involve Everyone

  • Continuous Involvement: Keep all family members involved in the process of maintaining and updating the vision board.
  • Encouragement: Encourage everyone to share new ideas and aspirations as they arise.


Creating a family vision board is a collaborative and inspiring activity that helps families visualize their goals and dreams together. By gathering materials, discussing aspirations, and assembling the board with creativity and intention, you can create a powerful tool that motivates and unites your family. Display the vision board prominently, review it regularly, and make it an ongoing project to keep your family focused and inspired.

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