
Tips for Organizing Kids’ Toys

Tips for Organizing Kids’ Toys

Organizing kids’ toys can be a challenging task, but it is essential for maintaining a tidy and functional living space. A well-organized toy area not only helps keep your home neat but also teaches children the importance of organization and responsibility. Here are some tips to help you organize kids’ toys effectively.

1. Declutter and Sort

Declutter Regularly

  • Purge Unused Toys: Regularly go through toys and remove any that are broken, outgrown, or no longer played with.
  • Donate or Sell: Donate or sell toys that are in good condition but no longer needed.

Sort by Category

  • Categorize Toys: Sort toys into categories such as blocks, dolls, action figures, puzzles, and art supplies.
  • Use Clear Bins: Use clear bins or containers for each category to make it easy for kids to see what’s inside.

2. Storage Solutions

Shelving Units

  • Bookshelves: Use bookshelves with adjustable shelves to store a variety of toys and books.
  • Cube Storage: Invest in cube storage units with bins or baskets to keep toys organized and accessible.

Bins and Baskets

  • Labeled Bins: Label bins with pictures or words to help children identify where each toy belongs.
  • Stackable Baskets: Use stackable baskets to maximize vertical space.

Under-Bed Storage

  • Roll-Out Bins: Use roll-out bins or drawers under the bed to store toys that are used less frequently.
  • Slim Storage Boxes: Opt for slim storage boxes that can easily slide under the bed.

Toy Chests and Boxes

  • Large Toy Chests: Use large toy chests for bulky items like stuffed animals and large playsets.
  • Decorative Boxes: Choose decorative boxes that can double as room decor.

3. Designate Play Zones

Specific Areas

  • Defined Zones: Create specific play zones for different activities, such as a reading corner, art station, and building area.
  • Rugs and Mats: Use rugs or mats to define play areas and make clean-up easier.

Accessible Storage

  • Low Shelves: Place storage at a low height so children can easily reach and put away their toys.
  • Open Storage: Use open shelves and bins to encourage kids to access and store their toys independently.

4. Encourage Participation

Teach Organization

  • Involve Kids: Involve your children in the organization process to teach them how to categorize and store their toys.
  • Make it Fun: Turn organization into a game or challenge to make it more enjoyable for kids.

Routine Clean-Up

  • Daily Tidying: Establish a daily routine for tidying up toys before bedtime.
  • Cleaning Songs: Play fun cleaning songs to motivate kids to clean up.

5. Rotate Toys

Toy Rotation

  • Cycle Toys: Rotate toys every few weeks to keep playtime fresh and exciting.
  • Stored Away: Keep a portion of toys stored away and bring them out periodically to renew interest.

Seasonal Storage

  • Seasonal Toys: Store seasonal toys, like outdoor summer toys or holiday-themed items, separately.
  • Seasonal Rotation: Rotate these toys in and out of storage based on the season.

6. Utilize Vertical Space

Wall-Mounted Storage

  • Pegboards: Install pegboards for hanging toys and accessories.
  • Wall Baskets: Use wall-mounted baskets for storing small items.

Over-the-Door Organizers

  • Pocket Organizers: Use over-the-door pocket organizers for small toys, art supplies, or stuffed animals.
  • Hanging Storage: Hang organizers on closet doors or bedroom doors to maximize space.

7. Creative Storage Ideas

DIY Storage Solutions

  • Repurpose Items: Repurpose items like old drawers, crates, or boxes for toy storage.
  • Custom Shelves: Create custom shelves or cubbies that fit your space and storage needs.

Hidden Storage

  • Ottomans: Use storage ottomans that double as seating.
  • Bench Storage: Install benches with hidden storage compartments in play areas or entryways.

8. Label and Personalize


  • Pictures and Words: Use labels with pictures and words to help younger children identify where toys belong.
  • Color-Coding: Color-code bins and labels for different categories of toys.


  • Name Tags: Add name tags to bins or shelves if multiple children are sharing the space.
  • Decorative Labels: Use decorative labels to add a personal touch to the storage area.

9. Maintain the System

Regular Maintenance

  • Monthly Check: Do a monthly check to ensure the organization system is still working and make adjustments if necessary.
  • Seasonal Purge: Conduct a seasonal purge to keep the toy collection manageable.

Consistent Rules

  • Set Rules: Set and enforce rules about putting toys away after playtime.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement to encourage kids to maintain the organization system.


Organizing kids’ toys can be a manageable and even enjoyable task with the right strategies. By decluttering regularly, using effective storage solutions, creating designated play zones, and involving your children in the process, you can maintain a tidy and functional play area. Consistent routines and positive reinforcement will help teach your children the value of organization and responsibility.

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